
Thursday, 3 September 2015

Fun Run...

Hello All
Thank you for visiting and a huge welcome to Helen Hapsi, my latest follower. I truly value your feedback.
Thank you Jackie for your info re reactive lenses. I'm sort of tempted but I just thought I'd tell you all that when I spoke to the optician at Boots (I've been a patient there since childhood) she explained all of their lenses now have UV protection and therefore our eyes are protected without the need for sunglasses - certainly food for thought!
I hope you don't mind but I thought I'd post a photo of Team Gary. Every year we take part in Harefield Hospital's Fun Run in memory of my son. It takes place on the first Sunday of September. This photo is a couple of years old (I can't find the latest ones!) and sadly two of the people in the photo are no longer with us, my mum and the lady on the right hand side in the pale grey joggers. Julie was Gary's nurse and we stayed friends. She died unexpectedly in July this year, so we are running in her memory too.

 See you Saturday with an oldie
PS What are your thoughts on the new Hochanda channel? Apart from the teething troubles with sound etc I am enjoying seeing the clips of people that have created businesses from their crafts. I can't see me becoming a member though


  1. Hi Karen,
    Hope you had a good day and managed to raise plenty
    of money. The photo is lovely, so sad the nurse passed away
    who looked after your son.
    Glad the card arrived, hopefully still intact tihi I don't mind if you
    want to show it on. You are braver then me ! Take care
    hugs Maria xx

  2. Hello Karen,
    Hope they made lots of money for a fantastic cause, remembering Gaty & others who were close to your heart.
    I used to run Marathons to Fund Raise .... takes me all my time to run round the local park with the boys these days.
    I don't watch much TV, If I remember I have switched Hochanda on, not too impressed. I thought it would have been far more proffessional considering the people who are backing it. Looks like it has all been set up in a rush.
    Enjoy your evening. xxx

  3. Karen, good luck with the fund raising for your special unit. Every penny helps and the more rasied the more they can do with it. You have a good group of freinds and family to help you. X

  4. Good morning Karen looks like the weather is going to be ok on Sunday so I hope it does stay dry for you all as you do your run. With your big team you will no doubt still have fun anyway. I put Hochanda on when it started and thought it terribly amateurish poor picture and sound etc etc. I don't think it much better still sounds like they are in a large building with an echo don't understand about close up shots and the presenters fail to explain exactly what it is you are buying. With no Internet shop they must have lost sales. Interestingly I did a workshop with John Lockwood this week and he said they had gone live a week or so before it was scheduled. I can only assume to beat The Craft Channel launch but they have done themselves no favours. To be honest it has made me appreciate Create and Craft more!. Anyway my best wishes to you and your team for the weekend Jackie

  5. Hi Karen
    I think its marvellous that you all do this in Gary's memory.
    Hochanda has been like Acorn Antiques lol! The start of John's show tonight was dreadful with clattering and then loss of sound.
    I like that they let the guests demo freely but it doesn't look very professional at times and no website or flexi pay on the expensive stuff won't do them any favours.
    Have a great weekend.
    Ang x

  6. Hello Karen,
    You have a heart like a lion, I am so impressed with what you are doing. I've done lots of walks for charity, but I'm afraid I have never been - and will never been a runner!! Keep up the good work. RIP Gary +
    Maureen xxx
